Sex & Pregnancy after a miscarriage


I still remember it like it was yesterday, 1/10 I got my very first BFP I was excited beyond belief and I just couldn’t wait to share my excitement to the world. We were going to wait till my 30th Birthday in February to announce to our families. Who knew that excitement and joy would be so short lived. The evening of 1/24 I went to use the bathroom and saw a spot of blood on my underwear, I panicked and called the advice nurse who got me in to see the OB the next day, she had me draw blood and my HCG level was at a 60 two days later (yesterday) it’s now at a 16. I lost the baby, I’m sad, embarrassed, ashamed, I feel like I’ve failed and I never imagined I’d ever have to go through this. How do you not have anxiety with the next pregnancy? What if I miscarry again and again and what I just keep trying?! I don’t know I can mentally handle all of that 😭 I know how bad my husband wants a baby and I just feel like I’ve let him down. We had sex today 1/28 for the first time since the miscarriage because I thought I was done bleeding but I started bleeding again, is that normal?