pregancy symptoms?


i had a miscarriage in October 2017, i was 6 weeks, and was in the hospital because i started bleeding lightly, but they didn't detect a heartbeat. 2 days later, i was back in due to cramping, and the bleeding got worse. long story short, i miscarried at the hospital, and when i went home later the sac and placenta thing came out. i went in to follow up later, which they said my HCG levels (not sure if that's correct) was back to normal, and everything was fine, i def wasn't pregnant anymore. well, i bled for almost 2 weeks, then i got a "normal" period again in December, but i bled heavily. i went to my obgyn, and she said it was normal. I got my period again this month, January, but was also heavy again, and had alot of small clotting. well, it's been almost 3 weeks since that period, but I've been experiencing alot of similar symptoms to my pregnancy before i miscarried. i have been feeling sick after eating and been so sleepy and tired, been kinda cranky, been really hungry, been feeling bloated, and also my mucus has been alot more lately, i always feel wet, and it's alot of clear discharge. i don't really know how to feel because i have been waking up with headaches, and nauseas but haven't really thrown up, and my husband has been waking up gagging alot but not throwing up lol but we don't want to get our hopes up. Has anyone else felt like this? and has it resulted in another pregnancy?