38 hours of labor and 1 hour and 40 minutes of pushing!


Baby William

8 lbs 14 oz 20 inches

I was induced at exactly 40 weeks on Monday the 8th and my baby boy William was born Wednesday the 10th at 00:49!

They started me on Cervadil (sp?) at 11 am and inserted balloons at about that time. Let me tell you, those balloons cramped me SO bad! I told the nurses I needed to walk to try to get this thing going myself. I was trying desperately to avoid Pitocin.

The Cervadil worked and the balloons fell out at 2.5 CM dilated 2 hours later. I was given more Cervadil and walked and walked and napped as much as I could. They came in at 15 hours and told me they were starting Pitocin. I cried because I knew that meant I’d most likely have to get an epidural, but I told them to start it and I was going to hold off on pain meds. They broke my water at that time also.

At 26 hours I was 6 CM dilated but the contractions were so intense and so close together I decided I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was having contractions 45 seconds apart that were so crazy I was throwing up and shaking. I screamed for a nurse who came in and asked “so you’re giving up, huh?” I cried so much. I really didnt want the epidural and I did feel like I was giving up.

I was told also that the anesthesiologist was in a surgery and wouldn’t be available for 15 minutes. I must have passed out because it felt more like 15 seconds and they had me sitting in a contraption poking my spine. It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as contractions, but I felt it. I mostly numbed up, but I still was feeling a lot. At 30 hours I felt contractions just as bad as before the epidural and had to have 2 extra shots of meds.

Finally I was pushing at about 34 hours. I felt those contractions also but pushing actually felt better than laying around for contractions. At the end the doctor actually put both hands in me because my sons shoulders wouldn’t come out. She folded that boy like a taco and pulled him out.

I tore up and down. It’s been 18 days and the “up” (urethra tear) still hurts. The lower tear is mostly healed now.

I’m most definitely a “one and done” Mom. I won’t be doing that again lol