I was due January 14th 2018


I was due January 14th 2018. Starting having contractions at about 4 am on January 23rd 2018, went to my appointment and they monitored me and the baby. My contractions were already 5-6 minutes apart but they just sent me home because I had scheduled an induction for January 27th and was only dilated to a 3.  My grandma showed up with my brother and little sister and we ended up going to the hospital January 24th because my contractions were stronger than before, still no cervical changes so they sent me home again. I didn’t sleep very much that night, cried because of how strong my contractions were. On January 25th everyone kept telling me to go to the hospital again because my contractions were now 2-4 minutes apart and lasted 1-2 minutes each. I told them no and that I was okay, I didn’t want to go in and then be sent home again. At this point I’m pretty much rolling on the floor and both my grandma and my boyfriends grandma told me to get in the car because I was going to the hospital. We get to the hospital and they check me, I was dilated to a 6 so they tell me I’m having a baby. I go to my room and get settled and they stuck me in a jacuzzi which was amazing. I stayed there for about an hour to two hours, I was checked again once I got out and was dilated to about 7 1/2. So they broke my water and after that everything was so much more intense and painful I can’t even explain it. They made me sit on a yoga ball to help with the pain but it didn’t work and most of my pain was in my back and butt. I made my grandma and boyfriend rub my back pretty much the whole time at this point. Once I got to 9 cm I felt like I needed to push but they kept telling me not yet which low key made me mad. Finally I’m able to push, and I didn’t know the ring of fire was a real thing but it is. Once her head was out it was just one big push and she pretty much flew out. No induction, no epidural, and no stitches. I never been more proud of myself in my life, Kelli Ann Omler was born at 1:31 am on January 26th, 2018. She was 6 pounds, 1 ounce, and 19 inches long. ❤️❤️