My TRAP Baby Turned 3 Months! 💕


This little sweetheart turned 3 months on the 23rd! Some of you may have seen my other posts regarding my TRAP pregnancy. If you havent TRAP stands for Twin Reversed Arterial Profusion syndrome. We were pregnant with identical twins until at 9+4 we learned her twin had passed away. We were heartbroken. However it only got worse from there. At 26+4 they found a 10Cm mass in my uterus right next to my baby that was confirmed as a rare TRAP pregnancy. My daughter Delilah was pumping her passed twin sister blood due to sharing a placenta. My passed baby was continuing to grow despite documented fetal demise and grew at passing from the size of a sesame seed to over 2lbs. It is incredibly rare only 1 in 40,000 chance and it only occurs in 1% of identical twin pregnancies. It is INCREDIBLY dangerous and the living baby has a 50-90% mortality rate. So at 26+4 I was immediately hospitalized until 34+3 when we delivered via a medically planned C+Section. If I tried to deliver the passed twin vaginally since she was deformed she would have ripped me open and I’d have bled to death before we could hit an OR and waiting any longer we risked heart failure for Delilah. I’ve never been so heart broken and scared in my entire life. I had an amazing surgery and amazing recovery other than my epidural wearing off too quick but it was an amazing moment with my husband! My beautiful baby girl was 5lbs 3oz and 17.3 inches long! However, my daughter needed a lot of care in the NICU. Her left lung collapsed, she had made no surfactant in her lungs, her blood sugars were dangerously low, and she had a feeding tube. It took 13 hours to see my baby and 6 days to hold her when her chest tube came out. To make things more stressful I had to plan her sisters cremation and burial before even being discharged from the hospital. It took 25 days for her to come home! Then on New Year’s Day we had to be admitted to Cook Children’s PICU for contracting RSV! 💔 We were there for 11 days! At her appointment this week she weighed 10lbs 11oz and was 21 3/4 inches long! It was hard knowing I lost her sister at 9 weeks but it’s even harder knowing I delivered two babies and only brought one home. I do know how lucky we are though. She is one of only a handful of TRAP babies to ever survive and thrive! We love every second with her and can’t wait for the rest of our lives! Delilah Casey Fenn you are so loved! Happy three months! 💕

First time holding her!

Recent PICU stay💜