33 weeks and having some issues! a bit TMI maybe

Selina • ♡ Wife to My Superman♡ Mother of 4 babies ♡ Lost My Dad 02.04.19 💐 ♡ 3 babies in heaven.

ok ladies so I'm 33 weeks pregnant and I've noticed some things that are concerning me! 1. I've been having these weird pains down low like if she is pushing really hard down on my cervix area and I fear she might pop her bag to soon any idea on what it is? and 2. I've been having more discharge lately, watery and sometimes comes with like white slightly thick discharge (gross I know, sorry ladies) and I don't feel it often but when I do it's either when I sit down or move while seated putting more pressure down low. could it mean since it's my 3rd, MAYBE something is happening earlier than normal? Should I be worried?