Was officially 41 weeks today and was told to come in at 7 for induction

Was officially 41 weeks today and was told to come in at 7 for induction. My body must have known I did not want to be induced because at 1am Sunday night I was having regular contractions and stayed home when I go to the hospital Monday at 730 I was 4 cm dialated already didn’t get any pain medicine ! Got checked at 11 and was already 6cm. I didn’t progress for a few hours so they decided to give me Pitocin yes I got the epidural at 6cm it was the best thing I did because I didn’t feel any contractions ! I’m surprised I made it to 6cm with no meds! At 6:30 I got checked again and was a full 10 cm the baby was right there ! Pushed for 45 mins and she was our born at 7:23 pm 21 inches 7 pounds 15 ounces