Silent labor birth! Blink and you'll miss it


First off let me explain what a silent birth is as I was baffled as you probably are right now. I only got labeled 'Silent' at the back end of my 2nd pregnancy

Do I feel contractions? Yes

Do they hurt? No

contractions that feel like Braxton hicks, your uterus contracts/tightens but there's very little pain, an ache front or back, a bit like a period pain and this lasts all the way through labor until transition (ready to push) 9/10cm

This is my 2nd child and both births were silent so it is possible to have the same twice, not all births are different.

Mums know they just do even if it's your first time or fifth. I knew my first girl would be early and I knew my 2nd boy would be early too. Just a couple of days before I had him I'd finished setting everything up and buying the last few bits. My midwife thought I was crazy my partner thought I was crazy. I had very little reasons to think this, nothing medical, a fantastic pregnancy just a gut feeling.

I was 35.6wk when I had my show, bloody mucous, then nothing for a couple of days. From show to labor it can range from hours to weeks.

For the next few days I was irritated as hell, hot flushes, couldn't sleep longer than 2/3hrs and on edge. 36.1 I woke up to do my 900th toilet run, I'm sat there thinking no way can I pee for 5mins and why the h... can't I stop. My waters had gone (this was a first for me) no major waterfall just a steady trickle every time I stood up, I was a little freaked out and expecting contractions to arrive and hurt, nothing!!!

5.50am waters started to leak

10.30am waters still leaking, triage informed and asked to go in to be checked over

Got to hospital and all was confirmed, they was a little pissed as I'd rang them 3hrs before but just casually strolled in very late!

I was 0cm dilated at 1pm. Already booked for a section on 19th feb (it was 27th Jan) but as my waters had gone he needed to come earlier. They decided to give me steroids to mature my boys lungs. 24hrs and I will be put under the knife!!! No I wasn't looking forward to the section at all but compared to my first birth I'll take the section and run.

1-6pm for the next few hrs I put on 3 different wards as they were over stretched and even closed the labor ward down turning concerned pregnant women away to different hospitals. Every time I was put on a ward I informed them of my silent labor previous, they wasn't really that interest and often replied with a "lucky you " or scoffed at me! Hey... I'm only telling you what I was told, jeeezzzz!

5pm I need food. Might as well since I'm in for the long haul.

6pm and I decide to go back to my ward. The baby daddy thought this was an excellent time to look at new cars..... wow! Please not right now. I snapped at him whilst having my first real spout of pain. Where the hell is my assigned midwife I need some tablets!

I was on a maternity ward in a room with new mums as I was going to be sectioned.

6.45 and she turns up with my painkillers. I must of given her the most disgusting look as she quickly came back with something a little stronger.

I was a little ruthless once she arrived back and responded with get me to the f...kin labor ward now!!!! I can't stay here with all these other people in the room, I need gas and air at least!

A dr came in all smiles wanting to examine me at last.... his face dropped a mile 'ok you are 9cm' eeerrrrr pardon!!!! They knew right there that they had not listened enough, done enough and I could see the sheer panic in everyone's eyes.

All I could here is 'go now. Don't panic' think they were trying to tell each other more than myself.

I cried not a loud howling one, the silent type were tears roll and nothing else for a number of reasons

1 I wasn't taken seriously just because I wasn't screaming and climbing the walls, yet I told them over and over I didn't experience pain previously.

2 I was actually going to have to push him out and face my fears from my previous birth (I had a bad tear, lots of stitches and was shouted at to shut up whilst being stitched)

3 I was literally crossing my legs to hold him in! Yes he was coming out in public so to speak and I could do very little to stop it.

I was rushed on the bed by a number of medical professionals running down the corridor to a labor room, maybe 25mtr. It took 30sec max

6.55pm Another examination, ok you are 10cm!!! What the h.....

They told me, I laugh now, they TOLD ME to open my legs... NO! I wanted gas and air first I'm TELLING you and you WILL listen.

Maybe 3 contractions passed with me trying to pump myself with as much gas and air as I could suck in.

I slowly opened my legs one with one contraction other with the next. I knew I wouldn't be able to stop once I did this.

7.13pm and my boy was here. Screaming his little head off, slowly all the professionals for one thing or another slipped out of the room and I was left with one midwife (a different one to the painkiller one) she was brilliant and super patient with me, the one that delivered my boy.

She had actually finished her shift just as he was born but stayed to stitch me as I was telling her about my first, she spent over an hr waiting, stopping, starting in between my frantic drags on gas and air as she did them one by one. It was nowhere near as bad as my first.

2hrs later I was up and about

28 hrs from going in hospital to leaving with my baby

2 days later till I fell in love with the most perfect boy ever!

MUMS know they just do even if it's your first or fifth....

Don't you ladies let anyone tell you different or ignore you. Make those professionals listen to you!

27/1/18 born at 5lb 12 7.13pm


Due 23/2/18

Baby has no name yet. He rushed into this world but I'll take my time picking his perfect name 😍💙