Seriously?! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Alia • Married💑 Mommy to a beautiful girl, Inayah💕 baby girl #2 due June '20 iA🤗

Having been pregnant for almost 6 months now, there are very few people (friends and family) that I have told about it.

That being said, I’m not even mad if they found out from someone else. Especially since I haven’t made it known on social media.

Today, this girl (a friend of a friend) congratulated me on my pregnancy. I said “oh, well thank you. Didn’t know u knew”. They she says,” ya such-n-such told me” I’m like that’s cool. Then she’s like “ya, that’s great. Finally, lol”

Now, I wasn’t even mad that another friend told her. But that comment “finally” struck a nerve.

I have been married for almost 5 years now and we had been trying, not that it was her business. But people can be so inconsiderate and uneducated.

What’s the worst thing someone has said to you when people learned of your pregnancy?