Stress Incontinence

Kristin • Miss Genevieve due June 2nd 💕

Hello moms! This is my first pregnancy and I am currently 22+4 weeks. Here lately, I’ve noticed that I’m having to wear liners a lot more frequently than before, and it’s not for what you think. I’ve been wetting myself uncontrollably. It’s not much, but whenever I get my pants situated again after going to the bathroom, I have to change my liner immediately because extra URINE decided to make an entrance (or should I say exit...). I even lean forward after I feel like I’m done peeing just to make sure its all out...

I plan on telling my doctor about this issue, but my next appointment isn’t for another 2 weeks, and this is becoming a problem for my self confidence. I’m a grown adult and am wetting myself!!

Any advice? Will this go away later on down the line, or am I in it for the long run 😭😭