C-Sections vs. Natural birth


I've been reading up on different types of deliveries since I recently found out I was pregnant. I want to do a natural birth but I researched what could cause me to have a c-section instead/ emergency c-section. Now I'm no doctor and while c-sections can be life saving procedures, I read that sometimes doctors intervene too quickly or too much in the labor process, leading eventually to a c-section. I.e. pitocin to speed up labor because they believe you've been laboring too long when it could have been less than 12-24 hours, the baby is seen as in distress from the drugs causing the doctors to determine an emergency c-section is necessary. All I'm saying is read up and know your options/educate yourself. I know of a couple cases where women have been pressured into a c-section. The hospital makes more money from c-sections after all. Trust them but empower your birth ladies :)