Is it possible I conceived and got a period?! Please comment too

In April I ran out of my Birth Control and my doctor was gone on vacation so I couldn't get in for a appointment till a few weeks. A few days after my last pill I got my period that was April 16-22nd. On the 22nd-May 2nd me and my SO did have unprotected sex and yes he ejaculated in me(we had sex every second day) without BC my cycle is 35 days. I got my period on CD34 and it was normal. I now get sore breasts while on BC but I never got sore breasts before. I had sore breasts a few days before my period! My period lasted about 5 days and I'm been naseous every day,not majorly but I've been feeling sick. My nipples are really really sore to touch.. I'm about MID CYCLE(I started Birth Control again after my 34 day cycle) what's going on?

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