Too attached

I've been with this guy for almost 4 months and I feel unhealthy attached to him . Just last night he blew up on me for questioning where he was and wouldn't talk to me . It was not to long ago that his ex of 3 years tried to come back into his life .. It was a HUGE heartbreak whenever I found out he had hung out with her behind my back awhile ago so I broke up with him for like a week ... then he apologized and I took him back . He was sincere .. so I think it was reasonable for me to question his intentions for going close to where she lives last night . After him sending me a picture of a Snapchat of his food - I thought he was out for dinner w her . PEEP the second plate on the side . Turns out he was all alone after all he sent me videos of the restaurant and the second plate ended up being a appetizer plate .. I felt so fucking horrible. I called him begging him to forgive me he literally said he didn't wanna hear it , & wouldn't pick up the phone to me . He was so upset after I did that..... he was literally fuming ... This isn't the first time since I got back together w him that I accused him of sneaking around again , I don't know how to make the accusations stop or how to trust him again . But I REALLY do love him with every fiber in my body ; he told me if this accusing him of stuff doesn't stop it won't work . I need help getting in the right mindset .. he's a good guy just messed up once ..