Back pains?🙁

Lex • Mommy to Aiden Edward & Carter Matthew💗 💙03/06/16💙 💚07/27/18💚

So basically I’m 15 weeks pregnant with my second child, my spine has been twisted since I was young. I went to the chiropractor since I was 5, and it hasn’t helped. My back is now getting worse, I can’t pick my son up because it hurts too badly. I asked if a massage therapist would help, and he said it probably won’t be best since I’m pregnant. I’m going to ask my OBGYN but I have to wait until monday. I don’t get good sleep because of it either and my back is just killing me. Walking for long periods of times hurt too. I was going to see an actual doctor to see if I would need surgery or anything but I found out I was pregnant so I can’t haha. I just don’t know what to do anymore.