Postpartum depression....

I haven’t been to my doctor about this yet because idk I guess I’m partly embarrassed and the other part of me feels like it will get better. I’m 3 months pp and I have been feeling off. I feel anxious and like I could cry at any time of day even when nothing is bothering me. I am happy... but I’m not.... idk how to explain it. I feel like everything around me is perfect but I’m stuck in a bubble of my own sadness with no reason to be sad.... I keep over analyzing every little thing I say and the responses I get or don’t get from people. Have I made them mad. I being annoying. I re-read my texts to people over and over again thinking I should have things differently or that I shouldn’t have said anything at all. I feel like I’m trapped in someone else’s mind and I can’t get back to my own thoughts....