Circumvallate placenta

Jenn • Happy wife 👫, SAHM with my 2 yr old son 👦, baby number 2 due in September, it's a BOY 👶!
Anyone ever hear of Circumvallate placenta? My OB said that I might have this but they won't know for sure until I get another ultrasound. He didn't seem worried, just said if I do have it they will keep an eye on it b/c it can be a growth restriction for the baby. I guess they will do ultrasounds every 3 weeks and once I hit 32 weeks every week. I made the BIG mistake of googling this and now am terrified & can't help but worry. When I had my last ultrasound at 21 weeks, baby was measuring perfect and was right on target with where he should be so that's great news. I am now about to be 24 weeks on Wednesday and am scheduled to have my next ultrasound at 28 weeks to check the growth of the baby. The only thing that's making me feel a little better is that fact that my OB seemed so nonchalant about it all and said nothing to worry over just something to keep an eye on. Anyone have/had this?