cystic acne


If any of you ladies are unfortunate enough to share the struggle of cystic acne with me you know how much of a bitch it is. For years I've been taking prescription medications that made me sick to my stomach, and using topical ointments that literally burnt my skin off. I took these pictures in anticipation of showing my dermatologist

but I knew as soon as she saw it all she would do is try to put me on Accutane. That was my absolute last resort. I hate taking any kind of medication, even something as small as Advil. So Accutane is a big deal for me. Before I went to the Dr I decided to try one more thing, tea tree oil based products. Let me tell you, this shit saved my skin!

Yes I still have MINOR breakouts compared to what it was, and there's some hyperpigmentation from how swollen my skin was. But I am beyond thankful for the condition of my skin now. Just wanted to post this to let anyone else who's out there struggling with cystic acne know that there is hope and Accutane might not be your last option 🙌 If anyone is interested in the products I used let me know in the comments, there's only three it's a super easy routine to follow