Aren’t you suppose to want to have sex ?

Shelby • 28✌Married 💍Addyson Izabella 1.29.17 💜Ansleigh Ione 2.17.19💜 Ayebrum Izaac 11.20.20💙

So my husband and I mutually agreed to start trying for baby number 2. But literally he never wants to have sex? Like I have to tell him like hey, if you want a child we better get busy, then if we do it one day, we can’t the next or he literally can’t get I got a flashing smiley sun-tues. and I got my solid smiley today. Meaning ovulation is on the way... we had sex Sunday and Tuesday, skipping Monday... I told him if I get my solid smiley if he really wants another baby then we need to have sex... well I got it today and guess what.. he’s distracted and could care less.... I have tried spicing things up but I literally think it’s bc he is either 1. Not attracted to me anymore or 2. He’s getting it somewhere else, especially since this wasn’t an issue prior. So idk.. I really just needed to vent...