We’re Pregnant!!! ❤️

Samantha • Happily married to my best friend. Already blessed with a beautiful daughter. Currently trying for baby number 2! 🥰

Good morning, everyone! It is approximately 1AM and for a very special reason, I am having a hard time sleeping! My husband and I found out that we are pregnant only a few short hours ago and I am far too excited to sleep! We have only been trying to conceive for a few months and when I took my weekly test tonight, I did not expect it to be positive! I am blown away, totally in awe and I feel like it was far too easy and it must be some sort of dream!!! We decided not to tell any of our immediate family until after I go to my general primary doctor to confirm what this lovely blue plus sign is telling me! I am planning on calling to make an appointment first thing in the morning! The only one who knows as of now is my Mom, who I had to tell and need to rely on for emotional support! I am just so happy and felt like I had to tell someone about our happy news! I am so excited and terrified all at the same time! My husband is amazing and was smiling until he fell asleep. Thank you to all of you who stayed and read this until the end!!! I appreciate you!!!