constantly bubbly belly

liz • I’m Liz 🙃 Stay at home mommy to Carter Bentley born August 10, 2018💙

I’m 13 weeks pregnant. The past few weeks, and actually since the very beginning of this pregnancy.(I found out at 4weeks) my stomach has been constantly bubbly and cramps, sometimes the cramps shoot a pain so bad I literally yell out loud. I have had no bleeding at all. But I don’t know how I’m going to deal with this for 23 more weeks :( I have had no signs of morning sickness or anything else, I’ve had 2 ultrasounds and everything was fine, I had a blood test (panorama) and found out I’m having a baby boy!

Also the passed 2 weeks I’ve been peeing constantly! Like every 30 minutes, and it’s like all of a sudden I have to go really bad and can’t hold it. Is this normal?