Creepy ultrasound technician/bad I tripping?

Mermaid Momma 🧜🏻‍♀️ • Mama of three 💙💞💙

Had a bad ultrasound experience the other day that I keep thinking about...

I had my first ultrasound by my regular doctor at 8w2d, it went great and Baby looked perfect she said - well three days later I tripped and fell down the stairs in our home and landed hard on my butt :( I had no bleeding at all just a hurt butt thankfully.

I called my doctor as precaution and told her what happened and she wanted me to go in and have an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok at 8w6d - she wasn’t in the office though so it was an ultrasound tech who did the scan.

So when the ultrasound technician calls me back she is very cold barely says one word to me and has almost a permanent frown look on her face. I tried to make small talk with her but she just blew me off. She takes me back to this room a very dark room tells me to undress from the waist down and she starts the ultrasound (transvaginal).

She wouldn’t let me see the screen at all, after 5 minutes I asked “does everything look ok with baby?” And she says “I’m not authorized to disclose that information to you” And starts pressing harder I was like ok 😣 then another five minutes goes by and I’m thinking this is taking a long time and I just had a weird feeling... I asked her if she was almost done because I was starting to feel uncomfortable and she said almost. Um yeah another five minutes or so goes by and it’s getting really uncomfortable now so I just sat up and pulled the probe out of me and said “I feel very uncomfortable do you have enough images?” She was like “ i guess” but in my mind I’m like freaking out because she was doing an ultrasound for at least 15 minutes and my doctor told me at the first scan that it’s best to have as little heat on the baby for shortest amount of time during ultrasound. I get dressed and go wait to be told the results of the ultrasound by a doctor because she wasn’t authorized or whatever - after waiting 30 minutes the technician comes out and says she can’t find a doctor so she will just tell me the baby looked “fine”. Um ok thought you weren’t authorized? Anyway I just felt very creeped out for some reason, and I’m usually a happy and mellow type of person but this was weird. The experience really freaked me out. I just got bad vibes. I’m worried she did the ultrasound for too long and put too much heat on my little one? Am I tripping?

My doctor wants me to come in for my 10 week scan this Monday (I’ll actually be 9w6d) and that’s exactly one week after my bad ultrasound experience. I totally trust my doctor but worrying about the bad ultrasound experience I had with the technician and wondering if I’m having too many ultrasounds too early? Am I overreacting? I swear I just had bad vibes with that technician and I still keep thinking about it now, it’s hard to describe the bad feeling I go with her.