2 mo vaccines *update*


My daughter had them today. She’s a mess, crying and screaming in pain and then sleeping and whimpering and drawing sharp breaths and hiccups from the crying. I called the ped office and was told it’s normal. This is awful though, I cried in sympathy. She’s on my chest settled a bit but whimpering now. Anyone else have this experience?

*update: it’s now 6 days later and my daughter is still not the same. Her crying at night has become worse, as in she was screaming inconsolably for hours last night. It was the worse crying we’ve ever heard from her. Yesterday she was fussy all day and Sunday night she was hard to get to sleep and woke at 3 am it took two hours of soothing to get her back to bed (normally she sleeps until 6-730am). She’s always fussed and cried but not so extreme, and I could soothe her in at least 15 minutes... seems late for colic, so I think it might be the vaccine. I’m going in tomorrow to talk with a doctor at the practice but I am already deciding to modify the schedule because I can’t risk this happening again 😕 I was never interested in the vaccine controversy and still am not pro or anti, just what works for my baby... And i hope she’s better soon. She’s been sleeping on my chest pretty much all day but for feeding. 🤞🏼🙏🏼