Brown discharge after peak ovulation day


My hubs and I just recently started trying for baby number 3 this month. I have had lots of cramping all week to the point of uncomfortable bloating. I’m trying not to read too much into it and be patient and wait to take a test but I am just curious if any other moms have experienced any brown discharge after their peak ovulation day.

According to my ovulation tracking apps yesterday was my peak day for ovulation. Unfortunately my hubs travels for work so we were only able to have sex this past weekend but tonight when I went to the bathroom I found like a clump of light brown mucus in my underwear then wiped more and then it turned clear.

Have any other moms had this? I don’t remember having this happen with my other two so it kind of freaked me out..

S/n I still have to wait 12 days before I can test to see if I’m pregnant