Anniversary rant

Megan • Trying for our third! First baby a miscarriage, chemical then rainbow. Second baby 9 months of trying 4 with clomid. Hoping for a quick easy pregnancy for #3
So yesterday was out three year anniversary and a few weeks ago I asked my husband what he wanted and he said he didn't need anything then a few days later he said if you want to get a gift I could use a Browns grill cover which I got for him... So then when he gets home yesterday I was like here's your present all excited which he responds I didn't know we were getting gifts! Ugh! He gave me the idea!! You think he could have at least stopped at the grocery store and picked up a bouquet of flowers!! Just feeling frustrated and wanted to complain!!
Lol I think all of the post on here are by me! I spend too much time while nursing on my phone!!