potty training for months now


my son will be 2 Feb 11. I started potty training in Nov. I did a full week and it seemed good at first, but then the holidays came and we were back and forth between diapers and underwear. now, he'll be in underwear all day(except at nap and if we go anywhere) but he won't tell me when he needs to go. we'll be playing and I keep asking him if he needs to go, he says no. I tell him not to pee or poop in his underwear, and 10 minutes later, he's grabbing his already wet crotch. he gives no cue anymore, where before back in Nov, he would run to the stairs and make a hissing sound BEFORE he peed. now, nothing until after he pees or poop, IF THAT. sometimes, he'll just sit in it, wet.. I tried moving a potty downstairs because there's no bathroom down here, but I feel like that made it worse. I'm at a loss of what to do next. I've tried reward, I've tried cheering, I've tried his favorite character undies. I know he understands.. help!