Co-Sleeping woes. No Hate!


(Don't need any co sleeping hate, or "well it's your fault" crap) Didn't know where to post this. so we co sleep with my 2yo. We have since he was a few months old since it help me get more sleep while I was breastfeeding and working a full time job. We are ttc #2, and I figure it's time he sleeps in his own room, more so the baby doesn't disrupt his sleep thru the night. We have some prep time so I think a slow approach would be best to ease him into sleeping on his own. I just don't know where to start? I love co sleeping, tho sometimes not lol. He wakes up thru the night to snuggle up with me if we aren't already so idk what to do to get to fully sleep thru the night in his own. help please? *Thank you for all the support and advice!*