48 months of ttc

Katherine • I’m 30, DH 37. Been ttc 4.5 yrs with pcos & low motility 👫 🐩

I got married at 26, Dh 32 and we’ve been TTC for 48 months. We got married with a dream of having kids. After 8 months of just BD no timing, schedules or medications we talked to my lady doctor. Got so many blood tests to determine I’m not ovulating every month and eventually diagnosed PCOS. Dh also had semen analysis which came back not so great. Low motility and the amount wasn’t so great either. So we tried clomid(6cycles) that made me ovulate! Yay! But no BFP so we went to fertility doctor. We tried 1 <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> cycle, I was taking clomid and then progesterone suppositories. Dh was taking these male reproductive boosting vitamins. That sadly didn’t work, it also was super disruptive to my job with all the last minute doctor appointments (5-6 in 1 month for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a>) and the hormones. After that haven’t been really keeping track of ovulation (most likely isn’t happening) or BD timing. So thankfully through all this we are happy to be a family of 2 with a 🐶 perhaps in the future will get our BFP only God knows. Good luck 🍀 & baby dust