Ectopic AND Intrauterine Pregnancy???


I am 5w1d today. I went to see my midwife yesterday because of some sharp pains I’ve been having since I ovulated (I took Clomid). She did an ultrasound and couldn’t find a sac. She also said my ovaries look like they’ve had some cysts recently rupture and there was some fluid around them. She said it might still be too early to see the sac. So she decided to have my hcg checked again and sent a referral to radiology for a diagnostic ultrasound to rule out ectopic. Here are my hcg beta levels:

1/22: 25

1/24: 117

1/27: 699

2/1: 4850

So I went for the diagnostic ultrasound today. She started with an external ultrasound and immediately said she thinks she sees an ectopic. She said she would do the vaginal ultrasound to check. So she gets in there and says that she sees the beginnings of a sac in my uterus. She measures and takes pictures of it and my uterus and then moves onto my left ovary. She said she was really confused and not exactly sure what she was seeing. I asked a few questions and she just said she’s not sure because she’s never seen this. She had to consult the radiologist before I could leave. He told her to go ahead and let me leave and he’d call my dr and midwife and go to the emergency room if I have severe pain. Is it possible to have an ectopic AND a viable intrauterine pregnancy?! I’m so confused and nervous. Of course it’s Friday and I haven’t heard anything yet. I hope I don’t have to go the weekend before hearing from my Dr. Stories and/or words of support would be helpful. Thanks 💖