Should I have sex even though my OPK’s keep coming back completely negative in my fertile window?

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just have sex every other day but keep testing and once you get that positive make sure you have sex that night too.


Je • Feb 3, 2018
Thanks! CD 13 and still nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️Hopefully soon...not sure what to think honestly...


Posted at
I thought it was just me I’VE NEVER GOTTEN A POSITIVE READING FROM AN OPK 😩 ... I’m gonna do the every other day method


Sara • Feb 3, 2018
I'm only testing once a day until I get even a slight second line. Then I will start twice a day.


Je • Feb 3, 2018
Lol thanks! Last month I did...I’m testing twice a day so don’t think I missed it. I honestly think my glo prediction is off..just going to keep BDing and testing...just frustrating is all...


Posted at
Finally something! They’re flipped the lighter lines are the test lines. Almost there! Phew!


Je • Feb 4, 2018
The same way!


Je • Feb 4, 2018
Hahaha I feel


Sara • Feb 4, 2018
Today I got the faintest second line and I almost cried I was so happy. I'm going to ovulate! I just know it!


Posted at
Random question , the opk the ones you have to pee in something to put drops down . Did you pee in a cup ?? Or the little package it came in?? I use the same one and I test everyday for the last two months and no surge . Wondering if I am missing it or not doing it right.


Nicole • Feb 8, 2018
Thank you for the advice


Nicole • Feb 8, 2018
Okay well I check temp vag. In morning before getting up , take test in morning . I do a temp everyday trying to see if my temp will go up or drop but other then just by 1 degree nothing , I will have to buy more test and try and take one every 12 hrs and hope to catch the small window. I thought the test should show when you are or will be in the next 24 hrs so it be easier to catch


Je • Feb 7, 2018
I use little Dixie cups. Do you test test twice a day during your fertile window? I easily could have missed my surge if I didn’t test twice that day bc that was at 3:00pm and by 6:00am the next morning it was gone. Hope that helps! Good luck! I also use the dollar store brand, much cheaper and they seem to work pretty well...


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I've never had a positive. Never even had two lines at all. I ordered new strips hoping I just got a bad batch. But I wonder the same thing.... sex or no?


Je • Feb 3, 2018
Yea I’m only on month 2 of TTC...going to keep BDing every other day and testing every day...if I end up getting a positive this month then next month I’m only BDing once I get my positive...especially since I’m testing twice a day I doubt I’m missing it...


Posted at
I had that happen. Still not sure when exactly I ovulated. I know know that I have. Haha.


MyLittleButtercup • Feb 3, 2018
That’s what I did! Haha!


Je • Feb 3, 2018
Yea I don’t know what to think already. Just BD and pray for the best I guess! lol 🙏🏼 ♥️ 👶🏻