would you be mad??

so. me and my boyfriend live together. I went to my moms a little bit ago to drop something off, and as I was leaving we kinda argued because we have people over every weekend and we never have quality alone time. (he’s gone 16 hours a day monday-friday so i never get to see him during the week unless we’re going to bed). and I said I would like to have a weekend for just me and him. he told me no one was planning on coming over tonight. so I come home from my moms, I wasn’t even gone an hour. he proceeds to tell me that now our friends are coming over! without even asking me. I was like “what the hell did you not hear me earlier? you know this is my house too!” and he goes “i mean, sorry” and proceeds to play his xbox game. i’m now just sitting in bed steaming pissed.

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