Cranky baby


Emily (3 months old) has been super fussy the last 2 nights and not wanting to sleep at all.

Like literally not at all. She doesn’t sleep much during the day and she was sleeping amazing up until the last 2 nights. She cries and screams no matter what I do or how she’s sitting/laying, doesn’t want a bottle or paci, and this goes on for a couple hours before she will finally pass out for a little bit then wake up and do it all over again.

Luckily my mom is staying with me or idk what I would do right now. I had to give Emily to her last night at 1am cause I just couldn’t stand the crying and screaming anymore, she brought her back in my room at 5 and we went through the whole process again 😫

Nothing has changed and she’s been perfectly happy during the day.

Any ideas what this could be?