I honestly just need to vent..

T 💕

My husband and I live with my mother so of course it can be stressful and annoying living with family but due to the financial situation we are in, it’s what we have to do for the time being.

Anyway, whenever my mother goes with us to a store, she wants to walk beside me. Well yeah I’m her daughter. I’ll turn away and my husband will have this annoyed mean look on his face standing back like he’s “looking” at something. I get home and I say why do you always have an attitude when she’s with us? He goes well I try walking beside you, but your little sidekick is always in the way. I said wow you’re being jealous for no reason.

He always so rude to her for no reason and it makes me feel un-attracted to him.

Is he being wrong in this situation? To me it seems like he’s being truly childish for no reason