Nitrous for the win!

Torri • Wife, teacher, Mama, Baby girl Jan. 2018 🎀 Baby boy June 2019 👼🏻 Baby girl July 2020 TTC #4

At our 39 week appointment and still being dilated at a 4 for 2-3 weeks, Dr. decided that if by January 20th baby wasn’t here we would break my water to induce. So on January 20th we headed to the hospital early in the morning. After checking in they started me on the antibiotics since I was group b positive. We hung out til the Dr. came in at 1 and broke my water. After not making any real progress by 3, I was told to start walking. So my husband and I walked the halls of the birth place for about an hour. During that time my contractions started. After monitoring for a bit, I decided to try and walk some more. That only lasted about 20 minutes and I was back in the bed. By about 5/5:30 I was in active labor. My mom, best friend and husband were all there helping me through the contractions. About 6 they brought the nitrous in to help me relax between contractions. At 6:35 they pulled the nitrous and said time to push! Liberty was born at 7:00 😊 The placenta didn’t want to detach so they began intervention to get it out. They used pitocin and massaged it out, which was extremely painful. Thankfully, they put me back on the nitrous. Once the placenta was out I began hemorrhaging. Thankfully, they were able to get it stopped quickly and despite the amount of blood I lost, I didn’t need a transfusion. I did end up with a 2nd degree tear from delivery. Once things settled down I was able to hold my baby again and introduce her to her grandmothers and aunt. All things considered I was pleased to have a successful delivery and a healthy baby girl and proud of myself for delivering mostly drug free!