Fast baby, no time for epidural


I woke up at 5:30 am, feeling some 'mild' contractions. I told my husband we had to go to the hospital because these contractions felt differently. He got up and woke up our 7 years old son. We all got ready and left home around 6:50. My son's school is on the way to the hospital so we stopped there for 1 minute and dropped him off! We got to the hospital at 8:00 (it's downtown and we live in the suburbs so it's about 45 minutes drive). While my husband parked, I went straight to triage and at that point the contractions were very close and painful. I requested the epidural and they got me ready and transferred me to labour and delivery so I could get my epidural. When I was moving from the wheel chair to the stretcher my water broke. I kept yelling I wanted the epidural and the dr told me they were working on it but I needed to be still to start the procedure. Suddenly, I felt the need to push!!! I told the dr I had to push and she was like 'what do you mean? You were 3 cms a few minutes ago...let me check....ohhh there's no time for the epidural, you need to push right now!' After the 4th push my baby girl was born at 9:40 am. I went from 3cm to 10cm in 20 minutes!!! The best part, there were placenta membranes still inside my uterus so I had the epidural after delivery to remove sucks!!!