Discharge while pregnant.


I became pregnant in November and I’m currently due in August. I have been battling yeast infections and bacterial vaginitis ever since then.

I’m starting to think it’s normal to have this much discharge but sometimes it’s grayish and green. I have been tested for BV and every time it comes back positive then I’m treated with meds. I also use over the counter meds for yeast infections. I have been tested for all STDs possible and I am in a monogamous relationship obviously. When my boyfriend and I have sex he seems to have an allergic reaction from the discharge. This is seriously ruining our sex life.

I do everything to possible help with my health down there. I use soft soaps and water, I use cotton underwear when I do decide to wear underwear, I make sure everything is dry after showers and I shower daily if not more depending on the day. I need help at this point, I have called my doctors and it’s a never ending cycle of meds and Pap smears