Any Nurses? Have a question about my heart.

So I woke up Thursday morning and my neck was stiff like I slept on it wrong, Friday I woke up and couldn't move. I went to work and made at Dr appt. So 2:30 I go and she wants me to go to the ER to rule out meningitis. 😷 go by ambulance or have someone comer get me. My stubborn ass drove myself to St. Joes. Get there get a mask, freaking out more. Heart is racing! Get to the room, get hooked up to heart monitor. Heart is staying between 120-150 finally hitting 176! I almost passed out. Have EKG done. That was fine. Did all kinds of blood work. No infection anywhere, so no meningitis. After doctor comes in we talk, I tell her it honestly feels like my nerve is pinched and muscles are tight bc my disk are probably inflamed. She agrees bc all of my blood work is clear. Gives me about 7-9 shots, gave me toridol and Vicodin and a steroid. Still hurting today but I'm okay.

Why would my heart continue to climb like that? I'm genuinely healthy. I wasn't doing anything. Just laying in my hospital bed. I wanted it climb from 132-176.

29 years old.