
So my SO and I have been together on and off for about six years. I'm just about 19. I've know about my little tendencies for at least 3 years now but when we were together before he didn't really feel comfortable with it. Now we're back together and I am very sure it's for good now. We're getting married in March and I decided to have a long talk with him about my needs as a little and that it help me deal with a lot being in little space and all. So he decided to go ahead and give it a try. We've been a daddy little pair for about 2 1/2 weeks now. He found that he's actually REALLY into this. He's very dominant so the sexual aspects of it are very good for him. He also has very excellent parental instincts which makes him a terrific daddy. Getting into this has actually brought us closer and helped us feel more secure in our relationship! I'm so happy! My daddy before him was not very good... so now I'm with a daddy that loves me and is a good daddy a whole lot has gotten better😍😍😍