Baby won't latch

Chelsea • I am 30 years old and have been dealing with PCOS my whole life.
So my son is now 3 days old and when we left the hospital he had a good latch. Even the first 24 hours he fed well and latched easily. Then he just stopped and after 18 hours of not latching long or feeding well we were admitted back to the hospital for 24 hours. I worked with my midwife and the nurses to get him to latch and feed. He knows how but seems lazy and won't stay long as my milk is not on yet. 
I also have flatter nipples which is probably part of the problem. My husband wants me to just jump to formula so as to "make sure the baby eats" and is not being supportive of the breast feeding. Any suggestions? I'm pumping to try and bring my milk in and feeding baby the pumped product via syringe and still trying to get him to nurse but would love some advice.