How long have you been trying to concieve?

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Tried for 5 plus years decided in April 2015 tO stop and have fun and work towards buying our first home. Got married in 2010 just last year my hubby got legalized so everything was coming into place and was tired of trying then my coworker/friend told me to test I was about 10 days late I didn't want to test tired of seeing negatives but the Dr I work for was also asking me to test. So I did and My friend started yelling and crying cause I got a positive in less than a minute. 😀😀😀😀😀 so finally after so long I'm finally expecting. I have a almost 13 yr old boy who is also very happy that he will be a big brother.


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Tried for 5 months guessing ovulation, took a 5 month break, first month ttc again and no luck, ovulating now wish me luck!!


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Almost a year..But I have faith that The Good Lord will bless me with a bundle of joy one day soon..I will not give up,good luck to all of you TTC!! :-)


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19 cycles now! On treatment for hypothyroidism, only recently diagnosed. Can't wait till my levels are good and hopefully I'll finally conceive! Good luck to all those trying! It's hard work xxx


Chenise • Jun 5, 2015
Sorry to hear that Amber! Sure life hates us all some time. Good luck to you though! We all need it xxx


Chenise • Jun 5, 2015
That's fantastic news data! Glad your able to start trying again! What mcg where you on to go from 4.79 to 2? I'm down a lot since first diagnosis So it can only get better! Sorry for your loss❤️️xxx


Dara • Jun 5, 2015
from there it went to 2.59. last test I was 1.2 so my Doctor gave me the okay to start trying!


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It feels like a really long time but I have only been trying 6 months but I am starting to get really impatient


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Almost 15 years and ready to just give up. I really want a child but dont seeing it happening. Im going to be 36 at the end of this mouth.


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Going on 16 months


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Almost four years.


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Heading into month 10. Had one miscarriage along the way. Doctor won't see us for issues until next April.


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Over 6 years....