Name help!


We have no name for our little man. With 11 days left until my due date. Our last name is Peters. I like different names that you don’t hear a lot but nothing crazy. I really love maxton but my husband doesn’t for example. Our daughters name is Maci..I would love an M name, but we are definitely open to others. We had the name Mickey picked out and it had such a special story..unfortunately my husband just informed me three days ago he just isn’t sure about it. We both kind of like Silas, but I don’t have that feeling I had with our daughter. I keep waiting for that feeling of this is definitely his name. I have a feeling we might not have a name until we see him face to face. Please make some suggestions. This has me soooo stressed!! Lol. Maybe you guys can help us out. I’ve looked all over the internet and it seems like a dead end. I feel so hopeless. Ahhh. 😭