Cat proof bassinet 👍🏻

Pauline 🌈 • Eleven angels in heaven. "Somewhere, over the rainbow, skies are blue..."

I finally decided to set this baby up to see how cat proof it really is...I think this is going to work perfectly!! I’m terrified of my fat calico sitting on the baby and smothering him. I’m not worried about my dog or the other cat, though of course they’ll never be left completely alone together. But this fat cat..she’s obsessed with sitting on anything and everything, babies included.

$55 on Amazon, and it was really easy to set up and is really portable for traveling! We plan to put him in this in our room until he’s sleeping solidly through the night. I’ll move him to his crib in his own room at that point. He’ll be taking naps in his own room/crib during the day, after the cats have been booted from the room.