Fearing cervix check 😳

Spring Momma 🐞🐝💐🌿 • 31| Married 💍 SAHM of two 👧🏻💕 👶🏻💙

So I’m 31 weeks today and I’ll have an Appointment with my doctor in a few hours. I’m super anxious and I’m hoping she isn’t going to try and check my cervix, I understand they do it to check if baby is breech and if I’m dilated. I’m having a a scheduled Cesarean so I’m not sure it’s really a necessity to be checked this early. Any other mommas having a Cesarean and have you had your cervix checked regularly? Or has your doctor waited till later on? I’ve heard of doctors not doing them at all also with scheduled Cesareans if there are no complications in the pregnancy.