Going on day 3... af is MIA

So I’m not sure what is going on with my body. But my last cycle I had was January 15... the 12th of Feb was when I was supposed to start the next cycle. Only 2 days ago... might be delayed due to stress. I can believe that lol !

A little background of my cycle.. life ...

AF has come every 28 days since September 2017. I’ve never, never had such a regular cycle in my entire life until September ‘17. Now I’m like sitting here dumb founded cuz nothing is happening. My body feels crampy certain times of the day. But honestly, I’ve been crampy since February 2nd/3rd.

So I’ve taken pregnancy tests off and I since February 4th. But they all show up negative. Last one I did was Sunday February 11th. Negative.

So I am not sure anymore. Husband thinks there’s a baby in there but I doubt it. I have a 4 year old and a 7 month old. No birth control just withdrawal method this round. So I mean the chance of it being a pregnancy is likely. But I would never know unless the flow shows up tomorrow or I get a positive pregnancy test... I don’t know at this point what I want to happen. Emotions are high here. Mixed feelings.