should i move out?

Rowan • « i dreamt about you last night and i fell out of bed twice »

so this is a bit of a weird topic but i could really use some advice so i’ll try to keep it brief; recently my parents told me they’ve been in a polyamorous relationship where they’re still married but are actively dating other people. i was so shocked at first i didn’t even know how to feel but over time i’ve realized how absolutely not okay i am with it? my dad has his girlfriend over all the time and it feels like my parents are divorced while i’m stuck in the middle as they forget im still here. we’ve had several talks about this but when it comes down to it its between me, their only child (im 17 btw turning 18 in a few months), and a few extramarital romantic partners. and they’re having a hard time making that decision. which seems mad fucked up to me but okay!

so since i’ve been feeling for a while like they’re pushing me out of the best prematurely, i realized after a particularly bad fight a few days ago that it really might be for the best to move out. i’ve never really considered it seriously before but now, as i reach the age where i legally could and we reach an even more drastic impasse, im hoping to get some advice on whether to stick it out (i’ll be 18 for my senior year of high school and then leave home anyway) or leave as soon as i can. it’s toxic here but i don’t know what to do.