
Does anyone have anything that baby just seems to not like?

I am six weeks pregnant and my nausea is very random.

One week I crave chicken and the next the thought of it makes me sick.

One day the smell of hair dye makes me throw up and the next it does not.

Sometimes I am nauseas because I have not eaten and then sometimes my nausea will not allow me to eat/hold anything down for an hour or two.

But one thing that seems to make me throw up no matter what,

No matter the day

No matter the hour

No matter how I'm feeling prior

Are grapes.

I was wondering if anyone else had something like this happen to them.

I love grapes but I will stay away from them for now.

And if anyone else had a specific food that they just couldn't hold down during the first trimester, did they have any changes during the second?