That one False positive....


Funny story: I had the flu about a month ago and as I went to get Tamiflu the nurse asked if I was pregnant. I said no (then realized I haven't started) so I check my calendar and come to find out I WAS late. (And I'm always a few days earlier) Since I was picking up my medicine I thought why not get a pregnancy test to make sure. April fools came early.....I took the 5 day before your missed period, IT WAS POSITIVE! I couldn't believe it and showed my husband. We weren't purposely trying to have a baby but we weren't preventing it, just wanted it to be a surprise. It was definitely a surpise but we were ecstatic! Well the next day I take the other test to make sure IT WAS I do have the flu and feel terrible but was going crazy so I go back to the doctor (not OBGYN) and they did 2 urine test both Negative. Test count 3 - No's and 1 - Yes. Have felt really weird the past month and guess what I'm a week late so take 2 more tests ......and BOTH are positive! OBGYN next week!