Spotting, only in the morning. 9 weeks


Hi all. So I first started spotting a few weeks back and of course was concerned but I went and got an ultra sound and heard my little ones heart beat, and the doctor said everything looked perfectly normal.

Since Sunday, every morning when I wake up and wipe I have spotting of this pink and slimy color. It’s a little more than it usually is but it only happens right in the morning and then maybe a tiny bit more throughout the morning on and off. There’s no pain involved other than discomfort from being so constipated. And the bleeding has not changed from this color or a dark brown.

I live on an island and can’t really access the doctor as easily as in the states so I’m wondering if anyone has experienced this and can help relieve my concern of why it’s just in the morning?

A little TMI, but I took a picture this morning. This is what it looks like usually in the morning, but the. The rest of the day is just a very small amount.