Told I have a 50% chance of miscarrying...

I'm 5 weeks and 4 days today and had an ultra sound yesterday. All they could find was the gestational sac and the yolk sac which I thought was normal for how far I was...

Well I got a call from my docs nurse saying that I need to repeat my ultrasound next week because there was no fetal pole or heartbeat... told me that there's a chance it's fine but also a chance it's a blighted ovum... my heart sunk.

We've been through emotional hell with a lost pregnancy, cancer, and trying to conceive again...

Even though the order for the ultrasound said next week I asked the us tech to schedule it for when I'm 8 weeks because I want to be damn sure. Look at me defying my doctor.

Now here's my question... can you have a blighted ovum and there be a yolk sac present?! I don't have any us pics to show but our ultrasound tech yesterday labeled a yolk sac in multiple images... and even told my husband when he asked what it was she said "Oh! That's her yolk sac!"

Anyone else experience this?