Miscarriage story


Last Tuesday I was over the moon when I took a test & it was positive.. scratch that... when I took FIVE tests & they were all positive. I had been experiencing cramping but to my knowledge that was normal.. come Friday, I began to spot.. also normal.. but the horrible cramping is what set off my intuition that something just wasn’t right. My DH took me to a hospital, pregnancy was confirmed, but my hcg level was 25.5.. I was soon released from the ER after I was told everything was fine & to follow up with my OB in a few days. Relieved, I went to bed after a long night spent in the ER.. I wake up the next day with the same cramps but this time, my spotting became more like a period.. I knew this wasn’t supposed to happen.. BACK to the ER (a different one) where I explain my symptoms once again, more blood work, more urine tests.. my hcg level dropped to 12.. Dr informed me that I was in fact, miscarrying. The words no hopeful mommy wants to hear.. I was about 4 weeks & it would’ve been our first baby. We haven’t given up hope TTC but if you feel something is wrong in your heart, don’t chance it. The top picture is from last week, the bottom is from today.. everything can happen so fast, that’s why a miscarriage is so painful. From one day to the next your life changes yet again. 👼🏽