Would you date a relationship jumper?

I've known this guy for years & we were always good friends. He kind of surprised me by asking me out. I didn't even realize that he was interested. He is handsome, super sweet, charming, & smart. All good qualities, but he has a long history of jumping from one serious relationship to the next. He'll be in a relationship for a couple of years, break up, jump quickly to the next relationship, be with that girl for a couple of years, break up, move on quickly. Wash.Rinse.Repeat. I have asked him in the past why he does that & how he could move on so quickly. His answer is that things eventually become complacent & boring. With that answer in mind, I gently rejected him & my girlfriends as well as co workers feel that I should've given him a chance. (I should mention that their main reason is bc they find him hot 🔥, followed up by "but this time could be different bc you were friends first"). Sorry, but I'm in my mid/late-20s, I really don't want my time being wasted. Maybe I'm being insensitive, but relationship jumpers scare me.